Learning Community Guidelines

Learning Community Code of Conduct

This sample Learning Community Code of Conduct provides a base document for your learning community to decide together what guidelines you’d like to have in place as you move forward together. Feel free to add as much or as little to this as you’d like!


All MMN Chapter leaders and members act with honesty, integrity, and openness in all their dealings as representatives of the Modern Money Network. The Network promotes an environment that values respect, fairness, and integrity.


MMN has a clearly stated mission and purpose. All of the MMN chapters support that mission and all who work for or on behalf of MMN understand and are loyal to that mission and purpose above personal gain. The mission is responsive to the constituency and communities served by the chapters and is of value to the society at large.

Legal Compliance

All MMN Chapters must protect our network’s legality, therefore they are knowledgeable of and comply with all laws and regulations. We expect chapter leaders and members to be ethical and responsible whenever dealing with network finances, events, partnerships and public image.


All MMN Chapter members are expected to respect their fellow members. We will not allow for any kind of discriminatory behavior, harassment or victimization. All members must be respectful, value the diversity of the group, practice gratitude and accountability, and search for action-oriented solutions. For more details, refer to our Equity and Feedback Policy.

Disputes or Wrongdoings

Chapters must adhere to national guidelines when resolving disputes. Chapters must ensure that anyone who reports a suspected wrongdoing in good faith is not subject to retaliation, and treating corroborated cases of dishonest allegations as misconduct

Policy Implementation

Chapters may implement policies that are consistent with the national guidelines. Any policies created only apply their own chapter, and not to other chapters or to the national chapter. No policies that are created at the local chapter can conflict with any policies at the national chapter.


Once a new local learning community has been approved by the MMN national leadership, the learning community must adhere to these guidelines to maintain learning community status and affiliation with MMN.

  • MMN learning communities must uphold and support the mission and goals of MMN
  • Learning communities must comply with federal, state, and local/municipal laws
  • Learning communities are responsible for submitting the following to the MMN national group on an annual basis: a list of learning community members with contact information, and a list of all meetings and events conducted by the learning community for the year

Conditions for Maintaining Learning Community Status

The Modern Money Network “MMN” is a member led organization and relies on the success and dedication of local learning communities. These learning communities act as a site to bring people into MMN, a source for gathering material on MMT, for educating the community on MMT, and a support network for local students interested in MMT. MMN is committed to creating new MMN learning communities and to encouraging the growth of existing learning communities.

Review of learning community status:

Any member of MMN may contact the MMN national leadership to present a request for review of the status of an MMN learning community. The member requesting the status review is required to describe the specific reasons for requesting a review of the learning community’s status and to supply adequate, appropriate, factual information about the basis or bases for the request.

Basis for learning community status review include:

  • Violation of the MMN national policies
  • Use of MMN name, logo. Assets, or affiliation status in a manner that is not lawful, ethical, and/or consistent with MMN policies and procedures
  • Statements or actions that harm or threaten MMN’s reputation, mission, ability to conduct its work, including but not limited to making improper alliances
  • Involvement with collaborative alliances, individuals, groups, and organizations whose purposes or actions are inconsistent with MMN’s mission or public policy
  • Statements or actions that are contrary to MMN’s Equity policy
  • Statements or actions that malign, threaten, attack, harass a leader, member, and/or volunteer of MMN
  • Other antagonistic behavior

Upon receipt of a request for review of a learning community’s status, MMN national leadership, will review the situation assessing all the facts and circumstances surrounding the alleged wrongful conduct and attempt a resolution which can include termination of learning community status.

Revoking of learning community status in the event of inactivity:

MMN can close a learning community if there is a lack of participation or activity from the learning community over a 12-month period.